You wake up early. You have tote bags packed with sunscreen and lunch. You drive to the dock and there she is. Your beautiful boat named…? Where did you get that idea for a boat name? Did you choose something safe and normal or something unique and a little absurd?
Here is a list of the 75 of the craziest and most amusing boat names found on the Chesapeake from A-Z:
Amusin’ Cruisin’
Another Fine Mess
Attention Deficit
Beans & Rice
Blow Me
Bow Movement
Canned Heat
Chicken Tender
Clueless ?
Crime Pays
Dip Ship
Don’t Ask
Escape Hatch
Extreme Wet Dream
For Reel!
Fuzzy Goose
Gotta Wizz
Hunky Dory
It’ll Do
It’s Mine
Just Add Water
Knot Guilty
Liquid Asset
Low Water N’ High Rent
Manitee at War
Mental Fatigue
Minumum Workload
Miss’n Link
Missin’ Work
Mixed Company
Moment of Insanity
Money Floats
No Adult Supervision
No Name
Occupational Hazard
Porta Party
Pups in Paradise
Quick Decision
Ready, Set. Fish
Reality Check
Recovery Room
Rub A Tug Tug
Same Old Boat
Scrap Metal
Sea Sic
Stupid Boat
Toy 4 Us
Valley Boy
Welfare Fraud
What’s Left
What Next?
Which One?
Whine Cooler
Xtremely Board
Yesterday’s Sweat
So whether you’re trying to vent your frustration at putting all that money into a boat or you’re trying to get a laugh out of your nautical neighbors, an unusual boat name can do the trick. Whatever you choose to name your boat, just make sure that you put a good deal of thought into it. A boat is a big investment like a house or a car. You will have it for years and you want to be able to look at it fondly and not be embarrassed or sick of the outdated name you chose for it during your purchasing enthusiasm.
Some advice from boat owners is to choose the mood of the boat. Why did you get the boat? For fun? For relaxation? To get away on your own? To get away with your family? The mood of the boat plays a big part in the name because the name will describe your boat to you or anyone else who steps onto it. Next, you should choose a name that has meaning to you. Whether it describes your ambitions in another language or is the name of your lover, your boats name should say something special to you.
Another key tip that boat owners give is to be careful when naming your boat something comical like some of the names listed above. Make sure that the comedy is there to entertain you, and not everyone else. You have to still like the name of your boat for years to come. Last, but not least, when you have come up with the perfect name for your boat type it into the computer and see what comes up. As unique as you may think you are, there could be thousands of other people with the same boat name. If this doesn’t bother you then great, but if you are looking to be original, check out what others have prednisone done. If you still like a boat choice, try personalizing it by adding your name onto the boat name, ex. Sarah’s Paradise. Whatever you choose, if it means something to you, it will be a good name for your boat.