100 Ways to Go Green

100 ways to go greenWe challenged ourselves to create the ultimate go-green list.  Going green can have many benefits.  In addition to saving energy, reducing impact on the environment, and enhancing your health and lifestyle, going green can also save you a lot of cash.  You don’t have to spend tens of thousands on a new Prius or thousands replacing all your appliances with Energy Star models (though these upgrades made our list); there are dozens of things you can do to go green every day without spending a nickel.

List of 100 Ways to Go Green

1 – Work from home.

2 – Use fluorescent light bulbs.

3 – Drive the speed limit.

4 – Switch to a hybrid car.

5 – Carpool with a friend or neighbor.

6 – Take your vacation at home.

7 – Reuse your grocery bags.

8 – Turn off your lights.

9 – Contact your energy company about installing energy saving device on your HVAC system.

10 – Install Low-E film on your windows.

11 – Use reusable containers instead of plastic baggies for your lunch.

12 – Compost food waste and recycle it as fertilizer.

13 – Install ceiling fans.

14 – Set your thermostat to a warmer setting in the summer time.

15 – Set your thermostat to a cooler setting in the winter time.

16 – Buy from local farmers.

17 – Invest in reusable shopping bags.

18 – Use reusable water bottles instead of buying disposable plastic.

19 – Turn off your computer and TV when you’re not using them.

20 – Post unwanted items on Freecycle or Craigslist, rather than throwing them out.

21 – Check Freecycle and Craigslist before you buy.

22 – Fix leaky toilets and faucets.

23 – Use a window fan instead of an air conditioner.

24 – Air-dry your laundry.

25 – Take shorter showers.

26 – Donate outgrown kids’ clothes.

27 – Install water efficient shower heads.

28 – Use low-VOC paint.

29 – Replace paper filters with reusable coffee filters.

30 – Replace old toilets with low-flow models.

31 – Replace old appliances with Energy Star rated appliances.

32 – Use a dishwasher instead of hand washing your dishes.

33 – Take your leftovers home and eat them.

34 – Take a green building training course online.

35 – Recycle electronics.

36 – Use cloth napkins instead of paper.

37 – Keep your tires inflated to save gas.

38 – Print on both sides of the page to save paper.

39 – Pay your bills online.

40 – Make rags out of old t-shirts.

41 – Buy frequently-used items in bulk.

42 – Send an e-card instead of a paper card.

43 – Sign up to have your paycheck direct deposited.

44 – Use the air dryer instead of paper towels in a public restroom.

45 – Read newspapers and magazines online.

46 – Install dimmer switches.

47 – Donate your old cell phone.

48 – Turn your car off instead of letting it idle.

49 – Heat your home with renewable fuel such as wood.

50 – Ride a bike instead of taking the car.

51 – Consolidate errands into one trip per week.

52 – Take public transportation.

53 – Turn off the water while you’re brushing your teeth.

54 – Replace leaky faucets.

55 – Teach your children to turn off the lights.

56 – Use smaller appliances like toaster oven and microwave when you cook.

57 – Think twice before you print.

58 – Use non-toxic cleaning products such as vinegar.

59 – Replace carpets with hard surface material such as ceramic or bamboo, a prednisone renewable wood.

60 – Use recycled paper if you have to print.

61 – Remove yourself from junk mail lists.

62 – Cancel your land line.

63 – Plant native plants in your garden.

64 – Plant perennials rather than annuals.

65 – Use an old-fashioned push mower.

66 – Harvest rainwater and use to water landscaping.

67 – Use coreless bath tissue.

68 – Water your lawn and plants early in the morning to reduce evaporation.

69 – Use motion sensor faucets and lights.

70 – Seek out tax credits for energy saving items such as your next appliance.

71 – Check your energy company for rebates on Energy Star appliances.

72 – Install a skylight for more natural light.

73 – Organize a yard sale.

74 – Use air filters to improve indoor air quality.

75 – Send e-invitations instead of using snail mail.

76 – Seek out eco-friendly vacation spots.

77 – Attend a seminar on going green.

78 – Use bar soap instead of soap from a bottle.

79 – Organize a clothing swap.

80 – Scrape dishes rather than rinsing them before putting them in the dishwasher.

81 – Reduce wrapping paper – use scarves, bandannas, or tea towels.

82 – Reuse your tea bag before throwing it out.

83 – Wash only full loads of laundry.

84 – Consider green web hosting for your next website project.

85 – Make a shopping list, and stick to buying only those items.

86 – Hand wash your clothes instead of dry cleaning.

87 – Clean out your car and trunk to reduce unnecessary weight.

88 – Eat vegetarian at least once a week. Vegetables require less energy to produce best generic levitra overnight than meat.

89 – Start a telecommuting program for others at work.

90 – Plant draught-tolerant plants.

91 – Use a “smart” power strip that senses when appliances are off and cuts the tadalafil overnight delivery canada power.

92 – Wash your clothes in cold water.

93 – Run full dishwasher loads.

94 – Use the right size pot on your stove to reduce energy waste.

95 – Filter your water instead of buying bottled water.

96 – Clean your dryer lint screen so your dryer can run more efficiently.

97 – Unplug cell phone chargers.

98 – Eat fresh fruits and veggies rather than canned.

99 – Download music and movies.

100 – Donate to an environmental group.

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