100 Ways to Go Green

100 ways to go greenWe challenged ourselves to create the ultimate go-green list.  Going green can have many benefits.  In addition to saving energy, reducing impact on the environment, and enhancing your health and lifestyle, going green can also save you a lot of cash.  You don’t have to spend tens of thousands on a new Prius or thousands replacing all your appliances with Energy Star models (though these upgrades made our list); there are dozens of things you can do to go green every day without spending a nickel.

List of 100 Ways to Go Green

1 – Work from home.

2 – Use fluorescent light bulbs.

3 – Drive the speed limit.

4 – Switch to a hybrid car.

5 – Carpool with a friend or neighbor.

6 – Take your vacation at home.

7 – Reuse your grocery bags.

8 – Turn off your lights.

9 – Contact your energy company about installing energy saving device on your HVAC system.

10 – Install Low-E film on your windows.

11 – Use reusable containers instead of plastic baggies for your lunch.

12 – Compost food waste and recycle it as fertilizer.

13 – Install ceiling fans.

14 – Set your thermostat to a warmer setting in the summer time.

15 – Set your thermostat to a cooler setting in the winter time.

16 – Buy from local farmers.

17 – Invest in reusable shopping bags.

18 – Use reusable water bottles instead of buying disposable plastic.

19 – Turn off your computer and TV when you’re not using them.

20 – Post unwanted items on Freecycle or Craigslist, rather than throwing them out.

21 – Check Freecycle and Craigslist before you buy.

22 – Fix leaky toilets and faucets.

23 – Use a window fan instead of an air conditioner.

24 – Air-dry your laundry.

25 – Take shorter showers.

26 – Donate outgrown kids’ clothes.

27 – Install water efficient shower heads.

28 – Use low-VOC paint.

29 – Replace paper filters with reusable coffee filters.

30 – Replace old toilets with low-flow models.

31 – Replace old appliances with Energy Star rated appliances.

32 – Use a dishwasher instead of hand washing your dishes.

33 – Take your leftovers home and eat them.

34 – Take a green building training course online.

35 – Recycle electronics.

36 – Use cloth napkins instead of paper.

37 – Keep your tires inflated to save gas.

38 – Print on both sides of the page to save paper.

39 – Pay your bills online.

40 – Make rags out of old t-shirts.

41 – Buy frequently-used items in bulk.

42 – Send an e-card instead of a paper card.

43 – Sign up to have your paycheck direct deposited.

44 – Use the air dryer instead of paper towels in a public restroom.

45 – Read newspapers and magazines online.

46 – Install dimmer switches.

47 – Donate your old cell phone.

48 – Turn your car off instead of letting it idle.

49 – Heat your home with renewable fuel such as wood.

50 – Ride a bike instead of taking the car.

51 – Consolidate errands into one trip per week.

52 – Take public transportation.

53 – Turn off the water while you’re brushing your teeth.

54 – Replace leaky faucets.

55 – Teach your children to turn off the lights.

56 – Use smaller appliances like toaster oven and microwave when you cook.

57 – Think twice before you print.

58 – Use non-toxic cleaning products such as vinegar.

59 – Replace carpets with hard surface material such as ceramic or bamboo, a renewable wood.

60 – Use recycled paper if you have to print.

61 – Remove yourself from junk mail lists.

62 – Cancel your land line.

63 – Plant native plants in your garden.

64 – Plant perennials rather than annuals.

65 – Use an old-fashioned push mower.

66 – Harvest rainwater and use to water landscaping.

67 – Use coreless bath tissue.

68 – Water your lawn and plants early in the morning to reduce evaporation.

69 – Use motion sensor faucets and lights.

70 – Seek out tax credits for energy saving items such as your next appliance.

71 – Check your energy company for rebates on Energy Star appliances.

72 – Install a skylight for more natural light.

73 – Organize a yard sale.

74 – Use air filters to improve indoor air quality.

75 – Send e-invitations instead of using snail mail.

76 – Seek out eco-friendly vacation spots.

77 – Attend a seminar on going green.

78 – Use bar soap instead of soap from a bottle.

79 – Organize a clothing swap.

80 – Scrape dishes rather than rinsing them before putting them in the dishwasher.

81 – Reduce wrapping paper – use scarves, bandannas, or tea towels.

82 – Reuse your tea bag before throwing it out.

83 – Wash only full loads of laundry.

84 – Consider green web hosting for your next website project.

85 – Make a shopping list, and stick to buying only those items.

86 – Hand wash your clothes instead of dry cleaning.

87 – Clean out your car and trunk to reduce unnecessary weight.

88 – Eat vegetarian at least once a week. Vegetables require less energy to produce than meat.

89 – Start a telecommuting program for others at work.

90 – Plant draught-tolerant plants.

91 – Use a “smart” power strip that senses when appliances are off and cuts the power.

92 – Wash your clothes in cold water.

93 – Run full dishwasher loads.

94 – Use the right size pot on your stove to reduce energy waste.

95 – Filter your water instead of buying bottled water.

96 – Clean your dryer lint screen so your dryer can run more efficiently.

97 – Unplug cell phone chargers.

98 – Eat fresh fruits and veggies rather than canned.

99 – Download music and movies.

100 – Donate to an environmental group.

National Green Week

National Green Week encourages students to learn about being green by being leaders of their own sustainability campaign.

national green week

The green education event is designed to teach school children how to lessen their impact on the environment through programs including recycling, reducing waste, and reusing.

In 2009’s National Green Week, more than 500,000 children at 900 schools participated.

How can you do your part? If your child’s school isn’t participating, you might be able to help facilitate this and raise awareness simply by emailing or calling the school. You might even volunteer to play a larger role and offer to talk to a classroom about the event or design a campaign students in which students can partake.

Whether or not your child is participating at school, we thought of a couple things kids could do around the house to learn how to prednisone be more green.

  • Help with the recycling.  Getting kids into the habit of taking their own recyclable containers to the recycle bin is a good thing. If the prednisone recycle bin isn’t in a location that’s convenient for small children, move it to a more convenient location, or use an extra trash can as a temporary home for recycling in a location that is convenient. Kids can also help take recycling bins to the curb on collection day.
  • Teach kids about composting and get them involved. My own kids love to grow their own garden plants, so there is a natural tie-in here.  Explain to them how composting can help feed the plants, meaning their plants will grow stronger.  As kids get older, you can teach them how to distinguish which kinds of trash should really go into the compost bin instead of the nizagara trash bin.

2011 dates: February 7-11 (or any week leading up to Earth Day, April 22)

The event is promoted by the Green Education Foundation (GEF).

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